Bryson's Blog

Living with Trisomy 13

Monday, February 02, 2009

Where in the World did the Naults Go?!?!

Must have seemed like we fell off the map for a long while to some of our folks who check this blog. Well here's the scoop. We up and scooted off to the wonderful state of Washington. It's a damn sure long way from the hell pit of Texas we were eager to leave.
And WOW the adventures we had, we took a minute detour in Las Cruces NM, which was the very picture of the southwest at its loveliest, then up to Pheonix AZ. There we stayed with my aunt Marilyn who was a totally awesome and gracious host. We discovered rockhounding and stumbling upon cactuses of every variety. I met up with Rebecca, a friend whom I've known since the 5th grade, and for a military brat to maintain a friendship that enduring is a feat and you'd never suspect we missed a day in each others lives the way we got along so well after 17 years.
Then after we departed Pheonix, we were onto Las Vegas, FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! Well, we didn't strike it as rich as we imagined it to be. It's not the sort of place you take the kids to have a good time, but amazingly enough we did a little work before we left San Antonio to find a sitter for Bryson so mommy and daddy could have grown up fun in the casino. Alexis was so charming and got along great with Bean just hanging out in the hotel room while Travis and I went down stairs and had the date of our lives!!! I wish her the best with her pregnancy! She was so good to let us poor parents off the hook for a couple of hours. I mean lets not forget that Vegas is the ultimate escape for adults. There was a moment when we had to walk through a casino with BEAN to find a restroom, and it was like everyone was holding their breath as we walked by and stared us down, mentally screaming at us to get him out of there, because baby's are bad luck, but not our boy!! So we all ventured around the strip mostly in the car for a few days and there is definately the possibility for a return visit.
Then we turned our sites to San Francisco to hang out with my enchanting cousin Randy and her rand-bunxios family. I gotta say cuz, you sure got a handful of handsome men on your hands, and another hand to cradle that new baby?! Can't wait to find out what's on the way!!!
California is the most geographically invigorating state. Its sooo different from end to end that the drive through was INCREDIBLE!!! Hwy 101 is the scenic route to the top and there was no dull moment or lull in the journey upward. I must say I've fallen in love with the West coast the second we got on that road. Have you ever actually seen where the happy cows from the comercial live?!?! I have, and you could stamp a brand on my ass and happily I'd live where the happy cows do. Such landscape is worthy of a fresco painting in the Smithsonian.
On from there, we stayed the night at a beachside hotel in Crescent City CA. It was such a charming town, and just to back track a little we spent a little extra time there to check out the Redwood Sequoias. The heights of which you can only imagine because from the trunk, you cannot see the tip, you cant even fathom the ages of these fantastic trees. The stories those old trees do tell. I loved that part of our expedition the best!
But our destiny awaited us elsewhere, so we headed on, now no stopping for any other off-roadside attraction excursions. To Washington, where beauty and bravery sip coffee at the same corner shop cafe. We got into town just in time to start our new year and new lives. Most days are rather grey as winters usually are, some snow which is even peculiar for the locals, and some days the sun breaks through and shines heavenly light on this marvelous place. The view of Mt. Rainer is unmistakable as it looms in the background, the lay of the land is truely evergreen.
I'm smitten with our new home. We got a gorgeous huge duplex, bigger than I thought our paygrade could handle, but for the sake of Bryson's needs, this home is very accomodating. We're still in the midst of unpacking again for the 5th time in 3 years. Now that's a breakneck pace!! We all took sick a few times during our odd-i-see due to the stress of gypsy life, but now things are working their way back to normalization, but for those of you who know our circumstances well enough can say confidently that we're still pretty far from that.
And so the journey for the Naults turns another chapter......


Blogger sherry said...

hello everyone, (this is Sherry- Brysons respite worker from NY) just stopping in to say hi, hope all is well, was glad to see an update, warming up here in NY, I think all of our or snow is finally gone.

6:29 PM  

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