On the Road

Bryson, Dana & Travis hit the road for their move to San Antonio TX yesterday. They stopped off at Niagara Falls. They arrived there at night. The area was very well illuminated casting a beautiful glow and the mist shows thousands of rainbows.
They traveled on to Indiana where they are staying with my mother & father, Bryson's Great Grandparents. This will be their first meeting. It's also the first time they have met Travis. I only wish I could have been there to witness a coming together of the generations.
Upon arriving in Elkhart, Bryson's left eye was all bloodshot and it looked like there was even blood behind the iris and in the pupil. Since Trisomy 13 is the cause of many problems with the eyes, it's best to have things thoroughly checked out. Glaucoma, cateracts, micro-opthalmia, blindness, are all potential problems in infants with T13. The tear ducts can be sometimes be blocked, then sometimes in congenital glaucoma in infants, the trabecular meshwork can fail to drain with the fluid increasing the pressure within the eye. It is very important to be seen by an Opthamalogist immediately before any pressure causes permanent damage to the eye. Bryson is already blind, however, with such a problem, he could end up losing his eye if not properly treated. They went to Boling Eye Center in Elkhart where Dr. Richard Boling took a closer look to see what was going on. Aparently it was a broken blood vessel. He gave them some eyedrops and instructions on how to administer to him and to have a follow up visit with him after Christmas.
I am so glad your little one is still going strong. Miracles are everywhere. I love keeping up with the sit and seeing the beautiful pics. Brison is a lucky kid to have parents that are so willing to do for him the way you and your family have. I wish you all the best. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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