Settling in

Travis, Dana & Bryson have all settled in their new home on post at Ft. Sam Houston. They have so much space. They have met a few of the neighbors and all seem really nice.
Bryson had his first evaluation with Dr. Poulin. (his daughter Sofia also has Trisomy 13) Bryson now weighs 15 pounds and is 24 inches tall. He is in the 50% percentile which is awesome so we're on track there with growth.
He loves his new walker. The house has hardwood floors so a walker keeps him occupied. Now if we can get him to go forward. He loves to stand. His legs seem very strong. So hopefully he will have the capability to walk that many other children with Trisomy 13 have difficulty with and don't really start to walk until they are around 2-3 years old.
Physically, Bryson is doing quite well! The next appointment will be with a Gastroenterologist to see how bad he is afflicted with reflux. Seizures are less frequent so they have backed off the phenobarbitol. The less medication a person takes, the better. (that's my opinion anyway)
To date, there still have not been any surgeries, none planned for the moment and it's probably best to let him continue to grow and thrive in good health. Surgeries seem to set back these children by quite a bit from what I read on the Trimed listserv about other children with various forms of Trisomies.
The pictures are when they visited an old Texas Museum and had an old jail cell. Bryson looks like he's desperate to get out of jail.
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