Message from Bryson's Mommy

Hello everyone, I finally have found an opportunity to leave a message on this beautiful site dedicated to my son. This is Dana and the time being so early is that Travis and I have traded shifts so that we can watch him continueously 24 hrs a day. Bryson was cheating death more times than I could have ever thought humanly possible. During the course of 2 1/2 days he stopped breathing and was blacking out and was in dire need of cpr more times than we can recall. It was completely terrifying to witness the light in your childs life flickering to very dim to what at times looked like there was no lights on at all. But being a Nault has taught me a few lessons in strength and endurance. This little boy fought for his life and won!!! Right now he's peacefully sleeping and breathing normally!! His Daddy helped him to live because Bryson wanted to live, and Bryson and Travis worked together to survive the most harrowing experience. I am watching over my two strong men, as they sleep now I am able to feel relief that all will be well for a little while longer.
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