Today's a better day

Today has been a better day! Bryson's episodes seem to have subsided. An adjustment to the Morphine, feedings, he needed a suppository to help things along and somehow maybe just another day and a combination of those things made the difference. He is resting comfortably, breathing normal and that brings us a joy you cannot imagine.
Well, Travis has to report back to Ft. Drum in Watertown, NY by Wednesday July 5th so that means we have to make a road trip. A very long one. That is far better than him having to go back to Afghanistan with all that has been going on. Dana and I depend so much on Travis' medic training to get Bryson comfortable. We've packed up the apartment and will load up 2 cars to make the trek. With the episodes going on, I have been extremely concerned about how difficult this trip could be. But now that they have subsided, I'm praying that all will be okay. I will be staying with Dana & Travis in their military housing outside of Ft. Drum to help get things set up, settled and arranged for Hospice Care. I hope we can find a Pediatrician there who has some knowledge, not just statistics for caring for an infant with Trisomy 13. I will ask for the pediatrician to call me so I can do an interview by phone prior to us wasting precious time and expense with an office visit.
Not far away in Rochester is an organization called SOFT. They are a support organization known worldwide for the support and treatment of children afflicted with Trisomy 13 and 18. I hope to be in touch with them right away to find local resources to help this family.
Please wish us safe passage on our trip to New York and please keep baby Bryson in your prayers. I do believe that God listened to us as we have so many people praying for him and gave him rest from his apnea episodes. Thank you God for hearing us.
I will continue to post messages on this blog from New York. So please keep coming back for updates.
I hope the trip goes well. Tell everyone I miss them already and I will continue to pray for them.
Well I am sooooo happy that he is doing better today!! I talked to Travis last night and told him if they need anything to dont hesitate to call. My mom, David, and I are here too... Jellybean is in our prayers. "You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can't, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don't give up." And look now your better today!!! I love you so much Bryson. Grandma Tammie, Auntie Amanda, Uncle David, and Uncel Conrad love you and are in our prayers everynight. Were so happy Daddy is with you and can help medic wise! Your a strong little jellybean and your a Nault now and Grandma Tammie and Daddy are strong along with the rest of our family! We hold on with every little string and NEVER give up. Not a minute goes by that we dont think about you. I hope you and everyone make it to New York safely. Were here and REMEMBER THAT. LOVE YOU AND DADDY AND MOMMY! love always and god bless baby, Grandma Tammie, Uncle Conrad, Uncle David, and Auntie Amanda xoxoxoox
Hello Grand Pappy Coy here! I'm am glad things have worked out so well for the little Nault family unit.
I would like to be more in touch but I've been burried with work. It seem like all I do is get up go to work, get home eat and sleep.
Rest assured my little clan is praying for you every day.
Dana we are getting that book ordered and will send it to you A.S.A.P.
If you don't have it by the end of next week give me a call.
Much love Your Dad and now Grand Pappy Coy.
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