Bryson's Blog

Living with Trisomy 13

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lip Repair

On September 19th, Bryson had surgery to repair his cleft lip. At the same time, the Opthalmologist did ultrasound on his eyes and the jury is still out as far as the findings from that test. He also had a hearing test while under sedation and we will learn more on that as well. The repair to the lip was a success and he really looks different and I think that there will be more positives to come as he continues to heal. Unfortunately, he bumped the lip area on a part of his "Jumperoo" chair and it started bleeding. They used surgical glue to help the skin from the two sections of the outer upper lip to heal without scaring that often comes when using sutures. They did however have to use sutures on the inner part of the lip inside the mouth. It also appears that they realigned the septum of the nose so that it would be more symetrical. Like I said, he has a different profile and a different smile (even though it hurts a little to smile) he keeps trying. He has been a brave little boy and I admire his spunk and spirit.

He has changed alot since I was here in San Antonio back in June for his first birthday. He has changed a lot since then. He is so much more active (wiggly) and on the verge of crawling any day now. He is very strong willed and is making strides everyday. We are so very proud of him.


Blogger sherrylynn said...

amazing pictures, Bryson is such a handsome litte boy,he looks fantastic. Dr.s did a great job.
Here is a hug for Bryson {}


8:03 PM  

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