Transferred to Pediatric Unit
Bryson is out of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and is in the regular Pediatrics Unit at Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC). The room has a direct view of Mt. Rainier and he's the only one in that room of 4 beds total. So basically, it's still a private room. He is receiving nutrition by NG tube and has only oxygen via nasal cannula. He is beginning to stir a little bit more when touched and talked to so things are so encouraging. This time a week ago, we weren't sure he was going to pull through this, but just as his usual thing, Bryson shows us who is boss.
It's looking like Friday, he may be discharged from the hospital to come home! They are working with agencies to get certain equipment for the home and a special bed for Bryson. The bed is a Safety Bed that can be lowered and brought up, can incline the head of the bed just like a hospital bed, but doesn't look so clinical. It has sides that flip down so that you can get to him and acrylic glass on those panels. He may now be entitled to some nursing care now that all this has occurred. His wheelchair/stoller will have to be refitted to his specific needs now.
He will probably have another MRI done in about three months to check on healing again. It will be a long road ahead and we don't know the long term prognosis for him developmentally, but, he is still here with us and that is all we could hope for.
Miracles happen and Bryson has been a living miracle.
Hello, my name is Denise and I am Mark McHughs step-sister. I have been following Brysonss progress on the blog site for a while now. I just want you to know that Bryson has been in my thoughts and prayers since he has been born. Thank you for sharing his story. He is indeed a fighter and a most precious individual. The prayers will continue.
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