Traecheostomy was performed

This morning, Bryson had a Traecheostomy (or Traecheotomy) in the 10:00 hour. Everything went well. It was only a half hour procedure to place a traech tube in his airway. He has been breathing so much easier and deeper with the traech in place. This will help to keep his airways open and that his tongue falling back would not be an obstruction. Secretions will also be able to be suctioned out better. Now a Traech does come with risks, however, any type of procedure comes with risks, but we felt that this was something that would help Bryson. The Traech tube will have to be changed out in a few days and Dana & Travis will be trained on the care and upkeep of the tubes.
After another week in the PICU, as long as everything goes well and Bryson does not have any setbacks, he can be transferred back to the Pediatric Observation Unit and from there he could be discharged to the care of Dana & Travis and the home health care nurses. As of this writing, and prior to him having a traech placed, he was eligible for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week nursing care and 40 hours respite care per month for Dana, however, since things have changed and due to his unique situation, they may possibly be eligible for more. It will all depend on what his doctors will authorize.
It's been a tough 2+ weeks, but Dana & Travis are holding strong that Bryson will do his best healing at home. Travis has been the best at making sure that Bryson is given every opportunity to survive and progress past this, despite what doctors, neurologists, pediatricians, respiratory therapists may say to the contrary. Dana is strong too, but being a worried Mom and nurturer, it is easy to get dishearted by what many of them say to us. I admire them both for their tenacity and dedication to my precious Grandson and thank them for all the things they do for him and will continue to sacrifice for his good.
Continued prayers for Bryson for healing and to Dana & Travis for continued strength and resolve.
Hello Doretta and Family,
You have touched my heart and I know that if love and might can help someone overcome Bryson has an abundance of both surrounding him. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you.
Jeniece Spangler-Cherron's sister
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