Surprise, Surprise!!! Mom actually has a moment to make a post on the blog!!! So let me just begin by saying my mom, Gramma Dori gives such wonderful effort to build up this blog and keep everyone pretty well informed, but i'm really hoping to put forth more effort on our parts to give y'all a first hand account of whats goin on.
Well, the Nault's know a thing or two about getting while the gettin is good, and boy are we pretty glad we evacuated northern New York just in time. We really needed to start out on a good foot since last year was so hard on us. But reflecting back, it's very simply amazing how well we stood up to all the hard knocks we got. Time after time, we got back on our feet and kept moving on. We are now in a place that is so promising and bright that we can finally enjoy looking forward to the future. Our BEAN is nearly 9 months old, is making such great gains developmentally, and has become the source of familial happiness. We've got a great team of specialist doctors and therapists who are all impressed with his progress and are also anxious to watch him flourish and grow. You know, he just doesnt know he's got issues, he demands to be challenged like a growing smart little boy. He's so strong willed like us and does the best that he knows how. BEAN is certainly the inspiration for beating the odds and living life without regret. For now, it all feels like a normal life. Travis and I are so gratefull that Bryson chose us to be his parents, because of him we love each other more deeply and appreciate the quality of our own existance. I wish that for anyone who comes into our lives to take that message to heart and experience that fulfillment for themselves.