Appointments in Syracuse
Bryson had his appointments in Syracuse on the 20th and Dr. Liptak seems to think that Bryson could be one of those children with Trisomy 13 that could beat the odds. He said his heart sounded strong with no apparent murmur as expected for those with heart defects as his. He said his lungs sounded clear and digestive tract seems all fine.
Now to map out a plan for Palliative Care. It may still be a few months and even years for some surgeries, but at least we have a better idea about what options may be open to us. There is nothing worse than telling parents that there is nothing that can be done and no effort to even consider it. Believe me, we've heard that more times in Bryson's 6 weeks of life than you can imagine. They also met with an Opthamologist who suggested that Bryson may be fully blind, but there are tests to be done to confirm that. We think that he may be able to see a little something, perhaps shadows and light. A geneticist was consulted and test were being done to determine if there is ever a possibility that other children that Dana & Travis may have could have Trisomy 13 or other problems.
Bryson is 6 weeks old today!